| Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway in B&H is a non profit business organization established on the initiative of high level executives to create an organization able to serve as platform for strengthening the institutional, economical, scientific and cultural relationships between Sweden and Norway and Western Balkan countries. More... The representative of The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway, Mr. Slobodan Neskovic at Press Conference - Click on picture below to start the Video.
December 2019. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway is engaged on presenting opportunities for two Nordic and Swedish companies in food processing business for establishment in Bosnia & Herzegovina regarding expansion on South East Europa and Middle East market. December 2019. Mr. Neskovic took contact with Mr. Richard Willis, EIB Energy Strategy and presented concrete Solar Power Plant Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with VPC- f. Vattenfall Power Consult and Sun Trace. 20. November 2019. Mr. Neskovic took part in Convention on the Rule of Law, held in Sarajevo highlighting the importance of progress in the reform process in BiH in this area. November 2019. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway is in contact with ENEL Green Power, setting up directions of cooperation development in sector of Renewable Energy.
October 2019. Mr. Neskovic spoke with Mr. Francesco La Camera, CEO IRENA- UN-s International Renewable Energy Agency, Dubai, UAE regarding Support to Bosnia and Herzegovina in its efforts to develop exploitation of renewable energy sources. October 2019. Contact with Swedish company, Thermia with world-leading knowledge in heat pump technology should be involved in Sarajevo Canton project for better air quality. September 2019. Contact with Innovation Norway, General Manager regarding support to wood processing industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina
September 2019. Contact with Swedish Foundation preventing abuse and violence against children. September 2019. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway renewed communication with Norwegian Orkla as a one of leading international supplier of branded consumer goods and particularly with Orkla Health business unit , regarding the availability of organic products based on medicinal herbs, especially essential aromatic oils originating from BiH and particularly Immortelle Herlicrysum Italicum. September 2019. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway continues to support Swedish famous clothing fashion brand H&M in process of establishment in BiH. August 2019. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway is in continuous contact with most eminent Swedish furniture producer and trader chains regarding production in BiH, on best way mixing Swedish access to world market with BiH access to excellent skilled work forces and finest raw material. August 2019. Norsk Hydro ASA, as one of the largest global supplier of aluminum as well as operators of power generation a participated in discussions with The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway in relation to possible interest to contribute with know-how and technology transfer in reinforcement of Aluminij , Mostar and also regarding future Wind and Solar Power Plants in Herzegovina. July 2019. The high technology Norwegian Company Scatec Solar, who develops, builds, operates and owns solar power plants that generate clean and reliable electricity across the world and International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) as an intergovernmental organization supporting countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future are, by The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway, involved in investigation and preparation related to the future Renewable Energy projects in Herzegovina the area with the most sunny days in the wider region of Western Balkan, what is the first prerequisite for utilization of Solar Energy, as highly appealing source of electricity. June 2019. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway established contact with Vattenfall VP and Director of the Vattenfall Wind regarding possible interest to invest in wind and solar energy utilization in south part of BiH but also with Director of Vattenfall Europe Power Management Continental Trading regarding long terms PPA- Power Purchasing Agreement. May 2019. Statkraft AS as Europe’s largest generator of renewable energy and major energy trading company was counseled by Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway about possibility to be engaged in Renewable Energy - Green Projects and business development in the region of W. Balkan and BiH. May 2019. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway had opportunity to exchange experiences and views and present potential projects for Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) with intention to include BiH among countries of priority. 09. May 2019. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway on Europa Day reception hosted Deputy president of Swedbank concerning Swedish financial institutions and banking sector experiences and how to contribute improvements in BiH
8 - 9 May 2019.
The EBRD's Twenty-eighth Annual Meeting and Business Forum. This year's theme
was Connecting Economies for Stronger Growth. The entire interview can be found on the Business portal Akta.ba: EBRD AM - SME Forum Click on following link to start the Video. 30. April 2019. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway invited BayWa R.E. Scandinavia to participate in projects of renewable energy sources, solar and wind energy in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 23, April 2019. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway participated in Business Forum Jahorina 2019. 09. April 2019. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway participated in Business and City Cooperation Forum hosted by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, held within Mostar International Business Fair 2019, where China was the partner country. 27. March 2019. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway participated in XVIII Annual Assembly of Employers Association of FBiH, together with EU Delegation in BiH. 21. March 2019. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway supported Swedish fashion brand H&M to launch its first store in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Banja Luka. This fashion brand has 4,500 stores in 62 countries worldwide. January 2019. Contact with Lars Larsen, Danish bilinear and founder of JYSK and Lars Larsen Group regarding their possible engagement in wood processing industry in BiH. 17. January 2019. The meeting H.E. Mr. Wigemark, EU Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina - Mr. Neskovic, CEO of Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway, was held, where different actual areas regarding cooperation and EU Projects were discussed. November 2018. NORAD - the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation was contacted by the Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway regarding application for the membership in Oil for Development Programme from responsible Ministries in BiH. and also regarding possible engagement of Norwegian companies on Consulting services for Concession Award for Exploitation of Oil and Gas where company Michelet & Co, Norway was involved. November 2018. Presentation for BiH and Region market of Atlas Copco Beacon Medaes and their product range in medical gases equipment and infrastructure in Health and Food Industry sector 13. November 2018. The meeting H.E. Mr. Ivantsov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Bosnia and Herzegovina - Mr. Neskovic, CEO of Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway, was held where the mutual interest in information exchange as well as possible cooperation in more actual areas. 26 October 2018. Austrian National Day Reception in the House of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo. The evening was also the farewell reception of Ambassador Martin Pammer. September 2018. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway attracted the most famous consultancy company Vattenfall Power Consult to take a part in FGD – desulphurization and denitrification Projects in TPP Tuzla and TPP Kakanj. July 2018. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway engaged ABB Head Quarter in Västerås, Sweden in discussion to take part in huge Public Procurements in Bosnia Herzegovina primarily in the field of High Voltage Transformers. June 2018. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway reestablished contact with EIB - EIF to attract them again to be more engaged in Bosnia and Herzegovina with intention to facilitate financing for export oriented SME, what is important part in making better business environment in BiH, as one of the Chamber’s main aims. 19. May 2018. British reception at the Ambassador’s Residence with occasion of The Royal Wedding, in company of BiH State Prosecutor Ms. Tadic. May 2018. In aim to try to contribute to better, more efficient and safe mining sector in BiH, The Chamber made contact to engage SANDVIK, as world number 1 in mining equipment sector. May 2018. Casual gathering in company of H.E. Mr. Wigemark, EU Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina. March 2018. With intention to support the improvement toward most modern infrastructure in Power Generation and Transmission in BiH, The Chamber made efforts to attract world leader in this sector - ABB Power. January 2018. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway continues with activities to attract Swedish and UN actors in Energy Efficiency in LED Lighting sector, contributing to the better natural environment preserving, what is the one of the Chamber’s aims. 14. December 2017. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H took part in organization of Forum regarding level of competitiveness of financial institutions in B&H and availability of existing financial solutions with focus on financing of Industry sector. November 2017. Trough Swedish Bank Association Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H made contact with World Saving and Retail Banking Institute WSBI in Bryssel. September 2017. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H continue to attract VPC ex Vattenfall Power Consult toward new project TPP Tuzla Block 7 with aim that VPC takes a part in future projects. June 2017. Launched realization of the first project in Public Lighting Energy Efficiency in B&H together with UN Laboratory with energy saving of 75%. 12. May 2017. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H made contact with SIDA and SKL International regarding support to Swedish authorities in future EU finances twinning projects in B&H. 04. May 2017. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H approached Statistiska Central Buro - Swedish Agency for Statistics attracting them to take part in EU twinning program with Agencies for Statistics in B&H. April 2017. Contact with the City of Zenica regarding development of the public private partnership project in energy efficient street lighting with LED components. March 2017. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H had a meeting with HOLTZ Consulting Kaupert in efforts to present solid wood production opportunities in B&H for German furniture market. 02. March 2017. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H had a meeting with World Bank and IFC regarding support to B&H to establish energy market - for day and day after energy trade under Nordpool concept. 02. February 2017. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H approached AURA Light Sweden one of the leading LED lighting company in the world to take part in future projects in energy efficiency in public lighting in B&H. 11.-13. January 2017. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H made complete organization Visit from VPC ex Vattenfall Power Consult to B&H power utility and, mining company Banovici and TPP Tuzla with aim to exchange information about future projects. 16. December 2016. General Manager of Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H received an award from LINK Mostar for his decade long work and achievements on improving the B&H economy as well as society through Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H. December 2016. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H attracted SEAF Fund to invest in B&H as the only country in south-east Europe where they were not represented. November 2016. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H made efforts to attract Swedish Parliament - Riksdag to take part in EU twinning program with Parliaments in B&H on all levels. 03. October 2016. SWECO, STRI and CCSN took part of the tendering process for consulting services in procurement and implementation of the new SCADA system for independent system operator ISO BiH with Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H participating with information exchange. 15. September 2016. WPC ex Vattenfall Power Consult submitted proposal for tender for supervising services on IPC contract for construction of the new TPP block 350 MW Banovici with support from Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H. August/September 2016.Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H on a request from the government of Federation of B&H initialized contact with Swedish Bank Agency (Finansinspectionen) with aim of further cooperation on development of FB&H Bank Agency. August 2016. French expert Vincent Dunatte made an analysis based on a visit to Municipality Ljubinje and Helichrysum Italicum plantations as one of the most perspective agriculture sector in Hercegovina generally and municipality Ljubinje particularly supported by Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H. 12. August 2016. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H initiated cooperation with Swedish financial supervisory authority - Finansinspektionen regarding possible engagement in Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to exchange experience and make "know-how" and technology transfer. 19. July 2016. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H established contact with International Labor Organization in order to enable local employment partnerships in Bosnia & Herzegovina. June 2016. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H initiated contact with NEOFOLGEROE regarding engagement and eventual cooperation particularly in Herbal Essential Oils Project in Bosnia & Herzegovina. 27. May 2016. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H furthered collaboration with SWECO and STRI regarding BiH national grid. 12. May 2016. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H continued cooperation with Vattenfall Power Consult regarding their engagement with Consulting Services to TPP in BiH. 04. May 2016. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H initiated collaboration between Swedish Medical Association and BiH sister organization in order to exchange experience. 07. April 2016. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H furthered contact with IFC (International Finance Corporation) regarding possibility to develop project with aim to establish the National Electricity Market in Bosnia & Herzegovina, following a similar model in region. 29. March 2016. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H continued cooperation with Nord Pool & IFC (International Finance Corporation) - to develop Energy Market Sector and to find an appropriate proposal for Nord Pool to take part in projects in Bosnia & Herzegovina, especially in order for B&H to become a part of Nord Pool Power Market. 17.-23. March 2016. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H invited delegation from World Efficient Lighting Center to visit B&H to meet several mayors of cities in B&H about Energy Management Contract (EMC) applying in public lighting of those cities as an example for the whole region. 18.-23. January 2016. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H supported presentation of B&H wood processing industry specially in hard solid wood products and pellets production on IMM Cologne 2016. as the largest world fair for furniture and interiors in Köln, Germany. September 2015. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H attended the conference organized by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Trebinje regarding cross boarder cooperation between B&H, Croatia and Montenegro and to investigate opportunities for Chamber to make connection with Swedish and Norwegian investors. 02. February 2015. Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H decided to go in aromatic herbs agricultural development in the south part of B&H concentrated on Helichrysum Italicum firstly development of plantations and as much as possible value added chain later on. 04. July 2014 Chamber of Commerce is trying to attract H&M to open stores in B&H but also to explore production opportunities in B&H especially for smaller and more exclusive series of clothes. 10. June 2014 Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway is participating in ENERGA conference in Tuzla. May 2014 Chamber of Commerce attended to several conferences in B&H about B&H economic development like Sarajevo Business Forum (14. and 15. May), EU Commissions' Forum on Prosperity and Jobs (26. and 27. May) April 2014 Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway is working on cooperation between B&H Transco company Elektroprijenos and ISO BIH (Independent System Operator) on one side and Swedish Tansco company Svenska Kraftnat and High Voltage Laboratory STRI on the other side facing new investment in reconstruction of B&H transmission network.February 2014 Sweroad showed interest in continuing engagement in B&H in projects such as Road Safety Strategy and several highway constructions and reconstructions. December 2013 Vattenfall Power Consult has intentions to take part in designing and implementing several existing and new power plants for example TPP Tuzla, HPP Janjic, etc. August 2013 International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) with the assistance of Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway sent proposal for cooperation with B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Economic Relations (MOFTER) through Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) July 2013 Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway met Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) regional office in Belgrade and discussed assisting in access to capital with international development banks for industrial export oriented companies 29. May 2013 Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway met Prime Minister of Republic of Serpska, Zeljka Cvijanovic with members of the cabinet regarding energy sector, alumina sector and wood processing sector 07. May 2013 In organization of the Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway Vatenfall met the research and development department of the Power Utility of B&H. Further cooperation was discussed, on the first place biomass co-combustion but also future projects and thermal and hydro power plants March 2013 Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway made contact between IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) and MOFTER (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Economic Relation) on cooperation on the project on state level with B&H like renewable energy policies February 2013 Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway contacted Norsk Hydro about possible cooperation with both Aluminij Mostar and Birac Zvornik January 2013 Participation in debate about possible directions of business development of Aluminij Mostar, http://www.aluminij.ba/en December 2012 Renewing of discussions with Vattenfall Europe PowerConsult www.vattenfall.com/engineering concerning engagement in area of biomass fuel utilities and management 28. September 2012 Bad Salzuflen, Germany, Visit to M.O.W. – THE FAIR FOR FURNITURE BUSINESS- http://www.mow.de/ 30. August 2012 Pratteln, Switzerland, Meeting with Mr. Kent-Åke Ahlgren, Director IKEA Supply AG, about cooperation possibilities for B&H furniture Industry
19. June 2012 The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway took part in "Regional Access to Finance Forum" organized by Regional Cooperation Council. April 2012. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway had several meetings with responsible people in the energy sector in B&H about possible cooperation with Sweden. 07. November 2011. Managing director Slobodan Neskovic had a meeting with the Serbian minister of energy Mr. Petar Skundric in Belgrade. They discussed opportunities for regional cooperation in the energy sector including transfer of knowledge and experience from the Scandinavian countries. 24-25. October 2011. The Swedish Trade Days in Sarajevo were successfully organized by the Swedish Embassy, the Swedish Trade Council and Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway.
22. June 2011. Signing contract between “Road directorate Republika Srpska, BiH” and Sweroad as a part of the Road Safety Project in BiH, financed by The World Bank Group. May 2011. Researching the opportunity of wind power exploitation in the Mostar region possibly supported by the Norwegian Foreign Ministry. March 2011. Investigation of possibilities for cooperation in limestone production between companies from Scandinavian countries and the municipalities from South part of BiH- Herzegovina region. 06. December 2010. Sweroad signing one year contract with client “Road directorate federation BiH” for road safety strategy and action plan financed by The World Bank Group. 24. August 2010. Meeting in IKEA in Älmhult, Sweden and signing long-term contract for production of furniture in BiH for the worldwide known company IKEA of Sweden. 28. May 2010. Presentation of BiH productions opportunities to IKEA, JYSK and Hilding Anders decision makers in order to increase business relations and cooperation between these companies and BiH companies 26.04.- 03. May 2010. Business trip to Sweden and Denmark. Meetings with distinguished Swedish and Danish international companies with aim to present business opportunities, politic and economic development as well as finance options in Balkan region. April 2010. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway took part in discussion with Baroness Catherine Ashton and The High Representative for BiH, Valentin Inzko about Enlargement process and economic development of region. 16. March 2010. Series of meetings in Bryssel with represents of European Parliament with aim to discuss Enlargement process and economic development of region. 02. February 2010. Represents from SIPU International- Swedish institute for public administration are visiting Sarajevo in order to follow up ongoing projects in BiH and to examine possibilities for upcoming projects. 22. November 2009. STEM Swedish Energy Agency finished discussion paper on Energy Strategy of BiH on demand of The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway 17. June 2009. Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) of South East Europe in company with Council of Ministries of Bosnia and Herzegovina had a working visit to Nordic Investment Bank with aim to investigate prospects for establishing of South East Europe Regional Investment Bank. The event is prearranged on The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway initiative. 27. April 2009. With The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway support, Swedish Television (SVT ) and Swedish Radio (SR) together applied on EU commission international tender Provision of Technical Assistance to the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) of Bosnia and Herzegovina. All this came as result of teamwork initialized by The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway that organized first meeting between Swedish and B&H subjects. 04. March 2009. Swedish Ministry of Communications and Transport together with Swedish Road Administration applied for Twinning program implementation, financed by EU Commission funds aimed for capacity building within B&H Ministry of Communications and Transport. 18.-25. January 2009. The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway is organizing Swedish Television (SVT ) and Swedish Radio (SR) leaders visit to BiH, on the first place visit to BHRT, but also other two public service broadcasting houses and several commercial media companies. Aim of the visit is to be familiar with condition of BiH media sector and to plan future cooperation. 18. November 2008. The experts from Swedish Road Administration (Sweroad and Vägverket) had presentation with theme "Road Safety - Best Swedish and International Practice" in Sarajevo. Participants were both BiH entities Road Administrations delegations. October 2008. Two delegations from Vattenfall Europe (part of Vattenfall Goup - Swedish International Company and the second largest energy producer in Europe) that owns the many of Mining and Thermal Power Plants in Germany was in visit to BiH, organized by Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway. Marketing Manager from Vattenfall Europe Power Consult, Mr. Ronald Rost and C.E.O. of Vattenfall Europe Mining Consult Mr. Ullrich Höhna, had presentations in BiH Power Utility (Elektroprivreda BiH) and visited also Mining Institute in Tuzla with aim to investigate possibilities for cooperation in future development in Energy sector. 18. September 2008.TVery successful Work-shop under name "New challenges for the electrical grid in a changing environment" was arranged by Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway. Experts from STRI, which is an independent technology consulting company and an accredited high voltage laboratory in Sweden and Svenska Kraftnät, which is Swedish state utility which administers and runs the national electrical grid. All major actors from BiH energy sector were attended and very satisfied with issues that were cowered. 6 - 13. September 2008.TThe Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway organized visit to Sweden with TV team (BHRT) in order to make reportage about Sweden and its unique establishment. Different issues were cowered like government, education, environmental issues, social care and so on. Three major towns, Malmoe, Gothenburg and of course Stockholm, also known as Nordic Venetia were visited. Filmed material was presented on 29. October, under name “Sweden, different from all others”, and parts of it are going to be presented in future within various documentary program related to these issues. 03. July 2008.TVery successful Work-shop "Funky Business" done by one of the world's greatest thinkers dr Kjell A. Nordström at Dom mladih in Sarajevo in organization of Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway and Foundation Mozaik. Dr Kjell A. Nordström has during four ours presented New strategies in global business in front of 250 satisfied guests. 20. May 2008.TConference "Business opportunities in B&H" organized in Örebro, Sweden by Chamber of Commerce of Mälardalen and Örebro lan. Speakers were: H. E. Lars Erik Wingren ,Swedish Ambassador in B&H, H. E. Jakov Skocibusic, B&H Ambassador in Sweden and Slobodan Neskovic, Managing Director of Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway. 27. March 2008.TConference "Decision making principles in building of electric power sources" organized by B&H Academy of Science and Arts in Sarajevo supported by Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway. Two Professors from Lunds Institute of Technology and Stavanger University took part in conference and gave their contribution. 20. January 2008.TNutek - the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth that administrate EU Seventh Frame Program in Sweden, took decision to support cooperative research on possibilities for wind power utilisation in B&H, that shall be carried out by Swedish Test Research (STRI) Sweden and Independent System Operator (ISO) B&H All this came as result of teamwork initialized by The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway that organized first meeting between Swedish and B&H subjects in energy sector in September 2006 which was followed by several meetings in both Stockholm and Sarajevo and signing of MOU in April 2007. 27. November 2007.TStockholm, World Trade Centre: Seminary “Business opportunities in Western Balkan”. Swedish Trade Council together with Swedish Embassies from Western Balkan region and other concerned organisations like The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway, arranged very successful conference about business opportunities, politic and economic development as well as finance options in region consisting of: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Monte Negro, Croatia, Slovenia and Albania. 06. November 2007.TThe
Srebrenica Investment Conference is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, November 6, 2007, at the Bistrica
Hotel, Jahorina (Bosnia and Herzegovina). 01. October 2007. Meeting with represntants from IKEA GROUP, responsible for development on Western Balkans countries in Belgrade. Ikea investigates posibility to open stores in region. 20. August 2007. New Norwegian Company "Langland & Schei BH" is established in Bosnia and Herzegovina as daugter company of AS LangLand&Schei Trondheim. Company is already engaged in B&H, in machine construction industry and because of increasing of production, one engineering team in daugter company will support them. 01. August 2007. In organisation of U.S. Embassy visit to Srebrenica was arranged. CCSN together with other representatives of foreign bussines organisations get infotmation about bussines opportunities in Srebrenica region with aim to try to increase Swedish and Norwegian companies interest for region. 04.- 07. June 2007. Per-Erik Winberg, General Manager of SweRoad visited B&H. He had, together with Slobodan Neskovic CEO of CCSN, several meetings with Transport sector authorities, both on State and Entity level. Discussion matter was mostly related to support from SweRoad to State and Entities Ministries of Transport in the future transport infrastructure developing in B&H. 25. May 2007.Business Oportunities i B&H, Banja Luka. Very, very succesfully conferance there participated Swedish Foreign Ministry, SIDA, EKN, ABB, Ericsson, Volvo, Scania, Swedwood / IKEA, Dynapack, Vattenfall, SWECO etc. From B&H took part i conferance several Ministers both on State and Entitys lavel. 15. May 2007.Swedish delegation with Swedish ambassador H.E. Mr. Lars-Erik Wingren and Managing director of Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H Mr.Slobodan Neskovic met today Mr. Osman Topcagic Director of Directoriat for Europeian Integrations. They discussed future possible cooperation in energy, environment, forestry and agriculture sectors. 14. May 2007. In company with Lars-Erik Tindre from Swedish Embassy Sarajevo, Slobodan Neskovic, Managing director of Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H, met Ambassador Clifford Bond, Internationall Coordinator for Srebrenica in order to exchange information about current activitier regarding economic development in Srebrenica/Bratunac region.
20. April 2007. Mrs Anette Engleryd and Mrs Helena Hjort, KF Project Center vissit The Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway in B&H. They visit also Civil Society Promotion Center and discuss possibility for cooperation.
18. April 2007. Meeting and signing of a MoU between ISO & STRI- Sweden and ISO B&H arranged by Chamber of Commerce of Sweden & Norway, CCSN, on Thursday, 19 04 2007 18. April 2007. Presentation of Project: Institutional Straightening of Municipal Companies in Vrbas region arranged by Royal Norwegian Embassy on Thursday, 19. 04. 2007. in Business Center UNITIC, Sarajevo 18. April 2007. Meeting with Minister of Economic Affairs and Coordination of RS Ms. Jasna Brkic regarding cooperation in wood processing and food processing industry 18. April 2007. Annualy Meeting - Confederation of Employers of B&H 17. April 2007. Meeting with Forestry Company of RS CEO Nedo Ilic about possible cooperation with Swedish Forestry Agency 13. April 2007.
Concert of the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra on Monday, 16 April 2007 at 07.30 p.m. at the
National Theatre in Sarajevo. 13. April 2007.Opening of the Exhibition “Astrid Lindgren Still Lives” on Wednesday, 18 April 2007 at 18.00 at the Sarajevo Book Fair 2007, Exhibition Hall of Skenderija Centre. By this exhibition and a number of other events the Swedish Embassy, in cooperation with Swedish Institute, Publishing Company Vrijeme, Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award and SOS-Kinderdorf BiH will mark 100 Year Jubilee of Astrid Lindgren. 09. March 2007.
Renovation of the façade of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina 02. February 2007.A Joint Financing Arrangement (JFA) was signed 2 February with the aim to increase the efficiancy of the financial support to the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Between the Ambassadors of five donor countries and the Minister of Justice in BiH. The United Kingdom, Sweden, the Netherlands, Norway, and Spain have provided the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, through the Registry, with financial support aimed at strengthening the Judicial Sector in BiH. 20. December 2006. Meeting with new elected Prime Minister of Republic of Srpska Mr. Milorad Dodik in Banja Luka. October 2006. Visit from the President of Chamber of Commerce of Southern Sweden to B&H in organization of Chamber of Commerce of Sweden and Norway in B&H 27. October 2005. Signed agreement of cooperation between Chamber of Commerce of Southern Sweden and Foreign trade Chamber of Commerce of B&H 15. June 2005.
Initialization of establishing the Chamber of Commerce in B&H |
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