| 23.03.2007-- On behalf of Scandinavian company, established for more than 30 years ago, that successfully provides independent international consulting services in engineering, planning, economics, architecture and management in countries and markets world-wide, we are looking for individual engineers and/or possibly consulting companies in order to build up an office in Sarajevo which should work on: - local projects in B&H and the surrounding countries, - outsourced Scandinavian projects - projects in third countries (primarily Africa and Asia) The Scandinavian company wishes to recruit Several qualified engineers in the fields of:
04.01.2007 --Svedska firma djelatna u masinskoj industriji, etablirana u BiH u okolini Sarajeva trazi: 1. Strucni saradnik za ekonomsko-pravne poslove or More Information Contact: 15.10.2006 --
Skandinavska firma s djelatnoscu u oblasti masinske industrije prosiruje svoje poslovanje na teritoriju BiH i
stoga zeli etablirati inzenjerski biro sa sjedistem u Sarajevu.
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